Isla Holbox

Isla Holbox

Gay and Lesbian Listings for Holbox

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Holbox Island is a natural paradise, mostly car free (golf carts and bikes are the main way to get around but some delivery vehicles and ATVs unfortunately spoil that a little). While you won't find any exclusively gay nightlife or hotels here, it is a gay friendly destination that is very popular with the LGBT community, especially couples who want a getaway.

For other destinations in the state, go to our Quintana Roo state page.

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Holbox Dream Beachfront Hotel

Holbox Dream Beachfront Hotel

Gay friendly beachfront hotel. One of the sponsors of Playa Pride. Set on a private beach, this relaxed hotel with thatched-roof gazebos and tropical gardens is a 5-minute walk from the town of Holbox.
 +52 984 222 9194
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 Average rating: 86 Very Good
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