Nuevo León > Monterrey  > Bathhouses, Saunas, Massage, Cruising Clubs, Cruising Areas

Sparta Sauna

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Bathhouse and gym. Has showers, steam room, sauna, jacuzzi, changing area, lockers, dark room, xxx cinema, bar.

We believe this place has been permanently closed. If this information is incorrect or it has reopenened, please let us know by writing


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hola quien me acompaña etoy disponible soy inter
whatsap para ponernos de acuerdo 8182718882

May 12, 2024

What are people saying about us?

Loito Acosta

Ese lugar ya lo cerraron permanentemente

February 06, 2024

What are people saying about us?

Gay México Map

Gracias para informarnos. He marcado el negocio cerrado.

February 06, 2024

What are people saying about us?

Gilberto Ledezma

Soy de GTO el día de mañana andaré en Monterrey trataré de ir mañana o el sábado interesados escribirme 8311654281 mi número de WhatsApp

May 05, 2022

What are people saying about us?

Juan carlos

Cuando hay mas gente para ir?

June 02, 2021

What are people saying about us?

Ale cardoso

Ahí me contagié de scabiasis (sarna)

August 17, 2019

What are people saying about us?


hola buen dia
me podrian dar la direccion exacta de los baños sauna
cual es el costo y es para todo publico

April 29, 2017

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Listing Details

 This business has been reported as permanently closed

Street address Álvaro Obregón 105, Centro

Reserve on Search hotels in this area

 This page viewed 7433 times since 2023-03-13