Latitude: | |
Longitude: | |
Complete the following form to submit the place to the map |
In what part of Mexico is it located? | |
In what city is it located? | |
What type of point is this? | |
This site is fully bilingual (English/Spanish) so the following information needs to be provided in both languages so your listing is shown correctly in the user's preferred language. |
English language description to be published on the map:
Enter a description (up to four lines) to be published on the map. Please use 3rd person (it/they instead of we) and do not use ALL CAPS. |
Business/Place Name |
required |
Description (English) |
html may NOT be used |
Spanish language description to be published on the Spanish site:
Re-enter the above description in a Spanish language version. |
Description (Spanish) |
html may NOT be used |
Image |
You may upload a photo from your hard drive to accompany your listing if you like. Your photo will be automatically resized but to upload must be no more than 5MB.
Telephone |
Phone number (not including country code +52). This will be shown on your listing. |
Customer email |
Email address where reservation and other inquiries from customers should be sent.
Street Address |
# and street name only to be shown on your listing. |
Website |
Does this business have a website? This must be for the official website maintained by the business itself. Third party websites which list many hotels, etc will not be accepted. |
Facebook page |
Does this business have a facebook page? Please enter the address like if it does |
Contact Information: Not published but required in case we need to contact you regarding your submission. |
Your Name: |
required |
Your Email: |
required |
Phone number: |
required |
Your business will appear on the map after it is reviewed by our editors. We reserve the right to reject entries for any reason. |