Baja California Sur > Cabo San Lucas  > Hotels, B&Bs

ME Cabo

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On the finest stretch of beach, this resort steps down to the sea, its 155 rooms and suites arranged in a terraced embrace of free-form pools and gardens, Bali beds and sunshine. Member IGTLA and sponsor of Los Cabos Pride.

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Listing Details

Street address Acuario Zona Hotelera, Playa El Medano

Telephone numbers are shown as (city code) local number. If dialing from outside Mexico, you need to start with country code 52. +52 624 145 7800

average nightly rate of double room Average room rate: $450 USD

Average rating Average rating: 92 Excellent

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Number of comments 0 comments

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Date we last verified this business Verified 2024-04-14

 This page viewed 926 times since 2023-03-13