Oaxaca > Zipolite  > Beaches

Playa del Amor

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The whole of Zipolite beach is a nude beach, even if clothed people are the majority. But the more secluded Playa del Amor is the most gay (and has the most nudity). It is reached by walking to the far east end of the main beach and wading through a shallow pond (depending on the tide) and the up some stairs and down to the beach. There are two vendors selling beers and some food as well and offering chairs and umbrellas to customers. There are also visits from roaming food vendors. After sunset it can get cruisy.

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george dowse from Zipolite,Oaxaca
playa del amor

The large palapa building on the ridge at Playa Del Amor has been leased and will be operating as of October 31,2014 Gay bar,restaurant,club and event venue..facebook:vistadelamor

July 17, 2014

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