Business name Baños Puerto Vallarta
Your name *
Affiliation *
What is your relationship to this business? e.g. owner, manager, marketing
Your email *
Not published but needed to verify your identity and contact with any follow-up.
Business email
Email where we will send customer messages send using the Contact or Reserve button on Gay Mexico Map.
Phone Number where you can be reached including country code
Business' website If the business has a website, enter it here
Facebook page
If the business has a facebook page, enter the url of it here, e.g.
Twitter handle If the business has a Twitter account, enter the handle of it here
Message *

Please advise how long you have been associated with business and advise of any changes that are needed to the business information.

Add / update photo on business listing?

Please upload a photo from your hard drive to accompany your listing. This should be a photo of your business exterior or interior with no logo or text added to the photo. Your photo will be automatically resized but to upload must be no more than 6MB.

Verify ownernship

I certify that I am an authorized representative or affiliate of this establishment and have the authority to register as a business representative. The information I have entered into this form is neither false nor fraudulent. I also understand that Gay Mexico Mapmay disclose my name and affiliation to other verified representatives of this establishment.

Contact Reason*

We will verify your information and contact you once it has been reviewed.