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Club 183

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Club de encuentros y bar sólo para hombres. Algunas noches tienen códigos de vestimenta como ropa interior o desnudo, así que ver su facebook para los detalles.

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Visited the club a few days ago on a Sunday night which is naked only from open until 10pm or so (then the dress code relaxes). But don't go too late, I was surprised that the place was at its busiest at about 8:30pm maybe, shortly after I arrived. There were lots of guys there, maybe 50, all ages and body types though I was probably the only foreigner on that night. It's a nice space with a big bar area with a stage and then lots of other different play and cruise areas. Entrance was 120 pesos which included a ticket for your first drink and the clothes check. Additional drinks were very reasonable (local beers 35 pesos). After your initial drink ticket is used up they give you a bracelet and track your drinks and you pay when you leave. Staff was friendly.


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