Distrito Federal > Mexico City  > Bars, Discos

Queer Room

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Repeating club night which takes place on an irregular schedule but is normally Fridays or Sundays. Check facebook for latest events. Local and international DJs play house and electronic music. Generally open from 10 pm until early the morning.

We believe this place has been permanently closed. If this information is incorrect or it has reopenened, please let us know by writing info@gaymexicomap.com.


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Queer Room se ha convertido en la fiesta favorita de los amantes de la música electrónica. Se ha popularizado rápidamente por devolverle su verdadero significado a la palabra diversidad, pues todos son bienvenidos.

Es muy fácil encontrarte con los protagonistas de la vida nocturna de la ciudad: ya sea Debra Men, quien te reciba en la entrada o que te topes con un show de Galo Santo; las noches de Queer Room pintan para ser las más memorables del Centro.

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February 08, 2018

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Listing Details

 This business has been reported as permanently closed

Street address Revillagigedo 20 is the usual location, check event page for the night you want to go

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